Big 2 Get Together (1957)

Bermuda. GV. Launch bringing in American President Dwight Eisenhower to the Hamilton Harbour at Bermuda. SV. The launch comes alongside. SV. President Eisenhower (Ike) steps ashore and shakes hands with Governor of Bermuda Sir John Woodall. CU. Shaking hands with Sir John Woodall. He walks across and shakes hands with the Governor’s wife. Shakes hands with their daughter. SV. Battery of photographers. TV. President Eisenhower shakes hands with British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. CU. The two shaking hands. LV. Ships sirens blowing. LV. Soldiers lined up. SCU. Eisenhower speaking (natural sound). He talks about mutual friendship between the two countries, hopes to have interesting and enjoyable visit.... He stops speaking and turns away towards MacMillan as the applause starts. He puts his hat on in preparation to leave. SV. Macmillan and Eisenhower standing with the Governor. They walk towards a car and get in, surrounded by photographers. (F.G.) (Orig. B) FILM ID:639.2 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ
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