Word Families | Word Families Song | Word Families for Kindergarten | Jack Hartmann

Children can have fun, sing, dance, roar and learn about rhyming words and word families with Rhymin’ Lion. Word families (also known as phonograms or “chunks“) are groups of words that have a common feature or pattern. They have some of the same combinations of letters and a similar sound. For example bat, cat, hat, sat are a family of words with the “at“ sound and letter combination in common. Follow Rhymin’ Lion and do his dance moves as he teaches many of the most commonly used word families. Children can give a big roar when Rhymin’ Lion roars. Learning word families really helps children develop their reading skills by enabling them to see patterns in words. As emergent readers recognize word patterns they are able to chunk the sounds instead of sounding out each letter, enabling then to read words faster and easier promoting fluency. Fluency is so important because by reading faster and smoother, children enjoy reading even more! Once children learn the 37 most common English word families they will be able to decode 500 words. So shake, clap, move, groove and get some great dance exercise in too. Your children will learn about word families, beginning sounds and rhyming words with Rhymin’ Lion. Lyrics I’m rhyming lion at the zoo And there’s something I love to do Children sing and dance with me As we make a word family As we make a word family Hands high, hands low Come and dance with me This is how you do it with the ig family P - ig , pig B- ig, big W- ig, wig F -ig, fig Step left, step right Come and dance with me This is how you do with the ug family B-ug, bug T-ug, tug R-ug, rug M-ug, mug Hips left, hips right Come and dance with me This is how you do with the an family F-an, fan M-an, man T-an, tan C-an, can I’m rhyming lion at the zoo And there’s something I love to do Children sing and dance with me As we make a word family As we make a word family Roar Shake left, shake right Come and dance with me This is how you do with the at family C-at, cat B-at, bat M-at, mat S-at, sat wave left, wave right Come and dance with me This is how you do with the op family T-op, top M-op, mop H-op, hop P-op, pop Clap left, clap right Come and dance with me This is how you do with the ing family S-ing, sing W-ing, wing R-ing, ring P-ing, ping I’m rhyming lion at the zoo And there’s something I love to do Children sing and dance with me As we make a word family As we make a word family Roar!! Jack Hartmann’s website: Remember to connect with Jack Hartmann on his Social Networks: Facebook: Pinterest: Twitter: Google : You can read more from Jack Hartmann on his Blogs: Physical Education Lesson Plans: Blogger: You can find Jack Hartmann’s Music on: Jack Hartmann Website: iTunes: Amazon Mp3: =ntt_srch_drd_B00423GXF2?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=Jack Hartmann&index=digital-music&search-type=ss Google Play: CD Baby: Please sign-up for our monthly newsletter about Jack’s new products, concerts and teacher workshops. Save 30% off your next purchase at when you subscribe today. For details and to subscribe click this link:
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