Ian Bruce - Yours For The Night

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “YOURS FOR THE NIGHT (Ian M. Bruce/Sandy Stanage) The stage it is your altar The hall the palm of your hand. Your fingers fold around me And my world turns to sand. Which trickles through your fingers As you sing me songs and tales That let me feel your sweet soft breath And the sharpness of your nails. CHORUS Do you use those eyes to hypnotise? Where d’ya get the power to shine? You give no more than you want to Now I’m yours for the night and you’re mine. Those angry eyes. Those lovely eyes. There’s no sound in the hall Except your mystical song. I could have heard a pin drop And yet far less a bomb. And though a hall apart, You’ve become so strangely close. You’re singing from a cloud of light To which I am exposed. CHORUS And now the concert’s over Applause invites you to stay. You gimme one more encore which I humbly take away. But still your secret’s safe I was too engrossed to see. That magic spell you cast so well Remains a mystery. CHORUS from Too Far From She, released January 1, 1989“
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