What If The Ocean Wasn’t Salty?

Offset your carbon footprint with Wren! They’ll plant 10 extra trees for each of the first 100 people who sign up at Our oceans don’t technically contain salt, but the ions salt is made of play a critical role in planet-wide processes that make the Earth habitable. LEARN MORE ************** To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords: Salt: chemical compounds made of positively- and negatively-charged particles called “ions” like sodium and chloride Convection current: the movement of fluid, like water, due to a difference in temperature and/or density Hydrothermal vent: a fissure on the seafloor that takes in dense ocean water and discharges water heated by volcanic activity below the seafloor. SUPPORT MINUTEEARTH ************************** If you like what we do, you can help us!: - Become our patron: - Share this video with your friends and family - Leave us a comment (we read them!) CREDITS ********* Ju
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