На Седну! /// Spaceflight Simulator

Hello everyone! Today we flight on Sedna in mod “ACSS all in one“ (stripped down version). I hope you like the video, as I tried a lot and you subscribe to my wonderful channel! A little about Sedna: Sedna (90377) is a trans-Neptunian object. She was named after the Eskimo goddess of sea animals Sedny. It was discovered on November 14, 2003 by American observers Brown, Trujillo and Rabinowitz. Perihelion Sedna is two and a half times farther from the Sun than the orbit of Neptune, and most of the orbit is located even further away (aphelion is approximately 960 AU, which exceeds the Sun-Neptune distance by 32 times). #sfs #sedna #spaceflightsimulator #space #andrisel #космос #седна
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