Two Separate Worlds! The Flying Men Of The Hidden ’Southern’ Lands!

#martinliedtke #flatearthbritish #mudflood #Tartaria The Truth is we are starting to remember who we really are ,and that we have limitless ability’s .and that we are Supermen & Superwoman! We live in two separate worlds figuratively ,and literally. Their are awake people who can clearly see the lies presented, and other people who exist in a dream world oblivious to the real World that’s unveiling itself to us. Some may never wake up. But also Two separate Worlds in the physical sense. Could it be that there are fantastical inhabited lands all about our realm? A Realm inhabited by Giants, Cryptids and Flying men? Our continents are just a small part of the whole. Today! We share a mind blowing rare map that has been re-discovered ,and published giving us clues the realm we live in, and its many resets. We also study a Eighteenth Century book of Engraving’s which show mysterious lands in the far Southern Hemisphlat. Simply put a mind blo
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