Dr Adenauer In London (1951)

Northolt Aerodrome & London. MV. RAF (Royal Air Force) guard of honour at Northolt airport. CU. RAF and West German flags. LV. West German Chancellor Dr Konrad Adenauer alighting from plane. SV. Adenauer walking down steps of aircraft. SCU. Adenauer shakes hands with dignitaries. LV. Press surround Dr Adenauer. CU. Adenauer and RAF Officer pose for cameras. SV. Pressmen. SV. Adenauer and interpreter walking towards mike. SV. Adenauer talking - German, natural sound. Translated - English, natural sound: “I am very grateful to HM Government, for the invitation to come to London. Adenauer continues, translated, (natural sound): “It is my cordial hope that the talks which I shall have here will contribute to peace all over the world.“ LV. Destroyer - library shot. STV. Dr Bruning (German Chancellor under President Hindenburg) being greeted on deck of destroyer - library. SV. Pan, Dr Bruning walks onto quayside from destroyer. Dr Adenauer at No 10. Downing St. SV. Door of No 10. SV. Pan, Anthony Eden, B
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