Negatives Aka In The Negative Issue Title Is Free And Easy (1944)

Part of issue FREE AND EASY. Pathe Studios, London. C/U of stills camera taking a photograph. C/U of picture being developed. C/U comparing negative of picture of WRAF officer to positive. Various shots of women working in film laboratory. Various shots of old sketch by Nan Kenway and Douglas Young. Sketch is shown in negative with soundtrack played in reverse. Sketch is shown in positive as comparison. Various shots of comedian Charles Coburn shown in negative and then positive. Similar shot of Cyril Fletcher. M/S of Adolf Hitler giving speech in negative. C/U of section of negative stock showing soundtrack running up side. C/U of soundtrack of Hitler’s speech. Cartoon animation of soundtrack turning into little men running away from “Uncle Joe“ (Joseph Stalin). Note: this could be the work of Joe Noble. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES.
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