Hanging Heart Braid

Welcome to our Channel: “Learn Do Teach Hairstyles”😊 (LDT Hairstyles) This channel is all about learning new and different hairstyles! Hey guys, We’re almost done with January and the big holiday in February is of course Valentine’s Day! Though a good heart-shaped style is appropriate for any time of the year we like to highlight them as a run-up to Valentines. So for the next few weeks, we’ll be featuring different heart styles. This week’s style is inspired by Gonulsacmodeli on Instagram. This is a simple style that is great for many different occasions. We called our version the “Hanging Heart Braid”. One of the important points to any heart style is the upper “V”. If that part is not well defined then you don’t have a heart. We added an anchor by attaching it to the free hair directly behind the heart. This quick addition will help your heart keep its shape through a full day of active wear. So give this style a try and let us know what you think! #HangingHeartBraid #HeartStyle #LDTHairstyles #Lea
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