Vivaldi: Concerti Solenni

Download & Streams (Spotify, Itunes store, Google Play, Deezer, Apple Play, Tidal, Amazon): It is remarkable that concertos by Vivaldi are still awaiting their first recordings, and this CD programmes 8 ‘solemn’ concertos. Solemn in this context usually meant a slow introduction, acting as a prelude to the following 3 movements. Vivaldi was a master at creating concertos from other works, and these were known as ‘pasticcio’ concertos. For example, sinfonias or overtures to his many operas provided a happy hunting ground for such concertos, and on this CD the concertos are a mix of Vivaldi’s pasticcios and those of the Pablo Queipo de Llano, a Vivaldi scholar and author the comprehensive CD booklet essay. To illustrate how adept Vivaldi was at turning existing works to new uses, the finale of RV197 was originally the double fugue from the overture to the serenata La senna festeggiante RV693. This had in turn been adapted by Vivaldi from the c
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