The best tank mates for Jaguar cichlids are similar personality fish. Common tank mates for the Jaguar cichlid include Severum Cichlids, Oscar Fish, Firemouth Cichlids, and green Terror Cichlids.
A little of both. It also depends on what your water parameters are like currently and if the water is much different where you are moving. If the quality is high in the tank and conditions are similar out of the tap, saving maybe 20 gallons with the fish is probably good. If conditions are poor in the tank or quite different from the tap, I’d try to save as much as possible and make the move the first of many increasing volume water changes.
for me just save your good bacteria in your tank water and acclimate your fish,if you can save some water it wouldn’t harm. I second That opinion Unless your water is significantly different from the tank (i.e. you have to use RO, or have been adding hardness for cichlids, things like that), then it’s fine to consider this a major water change. The water in the buckets you use for holding the fish can be re-added to the tank, but otherwise there’s not much value in the water itself.
Thank everyone for your input. The parameters are the exact same, I unfortunately have to move the tank about 6 feet along the wall. I would rather not have to move it at all but trying to set up my aquarium room with the 6 tanks that I now have compared to the one I started with...
It will be a matter of draining a majority, moving tank, moving stand and ensuring level, replace tank and refill. I keep discus and do massive water changes daily. As long as you keep the bacteria in your substrate alive and filters. You will be fine. My peacock eel just chillin out in the open, this legit never happens so of course had to take advantage and snap a pic. Post pics of your fish that are hard to photograph for whatever reason in the comments. Can’t wait to see what you’ve all got!
Hey all I’m working on a Haunted tank I want to put Pea Puffers in it, However I was wondering if there are any other fish I can put in with them? I had a whole colony of them before but I lost the whole tank in 24 hours due to that nasty C word! I cried for day’s! any help is appreciated ! Jaguar cichlids tank Mates.
Honestly I’ve had many other fish in with my pea puffers but every fish is puffers will start nipping fins of other fish if there is not enough room. Puffer fish are territorial. Mine loved hiding in the plants, so any kind of bushy plant will help spruce it up. My bf and I had over 10 however we had a bully in the tank and unfortunately we didn’t notice until it was too late for 8 of them.
I have a 55 gallon tank cycling that I’m going to use for saltwater. Currently the salinity is about 38 and the specific gravity is . I know this is to high, about how much saltwater should I take out and replace with freshwater? I’m new to saltwater so I have no idea what would even get me close.
And it also depends what you want tank stocked with. Some prefer slightly higher salinity. Between is safe zone. I have a 15 gallon column with 2 Nano clowns and a Condy Anemone and keep my salinity around they ate everything i gave them. not picky whatsoever. I had shrimp cuisune and they ate that no problem. are there fish in the tank?
I drop it in. But it’s so tiny nd it just blends in with the dirt. Ya. Guppies, platys, honey gouramis, bn pleco, and corys I can’t see 6 being eaten with no carcass at all. Plus the shrimp were half the size of the fish, they wouldn’t fit in their mouths. My fish didn’t bother my shrimp at all when they were active. They don’t even both my tiny fry that swim openly.
some might be hiding. they could have been eaten overnight when you were not looking. red cherry shrimp are extremely easy prey for fish to eat. if there was a carcass, then the other shrimps probably cleaned it up. There is no 100% shrimp safe fish except maybe otos. This post was referring mostly to a few months back when I was considering trimming my bettas fins because they’re super long and he has trouble swimming. He’s doing okay now. I’ve also trimmed my goldfish’s wen as well as dosed and diagnosed sickness in my tanks which people have deemed “veterinary medicine”
Farmers castrate their animals in the backyard. Also dose anti parasite medications and antibiotics without animals ever seeing a vet. Those animals are usually covered under anti cruelty laws but that is still allowed. Farm supply stores sell everything you need to medicate and vet your own animals at home yourself. Fish hobby is much the same. I probably know more about fish than any vet within a 2 hour drive... Unless they also happen to be a fish owner.
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