Andrey Shapovalov - Senior pastor and founder of the TCCI (Transformation Center Church International) Pastor Andrey is also the President and founder of the Covenant Churches (Transformation Center Covenant Network)
If you want to financially bless pastor Andrey and his family, use information below.
Here you can make a donation for Pastor Andrey and his ministry, through any card from any bank, please follow this link:
Bank of America
Account#: (IBAN) 000036518330
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Andrey’s family emigrated to the United States when he was seventeen years old. One year later, after a series of car accidents, he came to church and gave himself to God. A few months later, the power of the Holy Spirit descended on him, and a powerful awakening began among young people. Three months later, Jesus personally came to him and explained that this awakening was a demonstration of His strength and glory, which will manifest itself in the future, but for now Andrey must prepare for the task that God has for him.
Twelve years have passed since then, during which God brought up and honed his character, tempering the spirit and shaping the soul.
In January 2005, Andrey took over the Vision of the G12. And the Church began. He was the first in the state to hold Encounters with God. In two years, more than two and a half thousand people met a real, living God and received the freedom, healing and power of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor Andrey travels around the world and wherever he appears, he is followed by miracles, signs, wanderers, he sees thousands of changed destinies, Pastor Andrey is also a reformer of the church of recent times, and carries a fiery word of restoring personality and returning the Glory of God to the Church.
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