Lyrics & Cover Art - Yan Willow
All Instruments, Vocals & Mixing - Alien
Beware, my dear, get behind my back
Ask, if you want, for my head, it’ll crack
Or perhaps for my hand or my heart
The wind will tear me apart
Just so he wouldn’t harm you
I’ll be the one he’ll have to go through
Don’t listen, dear, his whisper is deceptive
He draws you an impossible perspective
Don’t let him fool you, he does not prophecy
He’s too volatile to know his own future, can’t you see?..
There is no truth in his desperate howls
Like intrusive thoughts are rushing his flows
Step back, my dear, beware of his touch
Once it’s light, and then it becomes too much
His rough gusts will not dry your tears
His current won’t take away your fears
His lies you shouldn’t believe, shouldn’t fathom
Once trusted, he’ll shove you into the chasm
This track on bandcamp: