The Greatest Hits Of O Brother, Where Art Thou | O Brother, Where Art Thou? | Screen Bites

No one can argue that O Brother, Where Art Thou has an amazing soundtrack. Winner of a Grammy Award for Album of the Year in 2001, we have selected those songs that makes us get goose bumps every time that we listen to them. Which one is your favourite one? Would you add another one to the list? O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) SYNOPSIS: Ulysses Everett McGill (George Clooney) is having difficulty adjusting to his hard-labor sentence in Mississippi. He scams his way off the chain gang with simple Delmar (Tim Blake Nelson) and maladjusted Pete (John Turturro), then the trio sets out to pursue freedom and the promise of a fortune in buried treasure. With nothing to lose and still in shackles, their hasty run takes them on an incredible journey of awesome experiences and colourful characters.
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