Дюк Эллингтон Caravan.(Duke Ellington) Караван. Оскар Джаз Бэнд. RCSC in New Delhi

/ Oscar Джаз Бэнд выступил с программой русских народных песен и джазовых композиций в российском центре науки и культуры (ККГС) в Нью-Дели 14 января 2014 года. Asplendid and spectacular Russian Oscar Jazz Band performed at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture (RCSC) in New Delhi on January 14, 2014 Caravan Night and stars above that shine so bright The mystry of their fading light That shines upon our caravan Sleep upon my shoulder as we creep Across the sand so I may keep The memry of our caravan This is so exciting You are so inviting Resting in my arms As I thrill to the magic charms Of you beside me here beneath the blue My dream of love is coming true Within our desert caravan!
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