Death In June - Behind The Mask (full documentary DVD)

about Forty feet beneath the Earth’s surface, Darryl Hell’s interview experiment with Douglas P. took place amongst the rumbles, hisses, and thunks of the belly of a New York City a harsh January 2005 blizzard. This would be the first time Douglas would take part in this type of interview project. Its flow replicates a meandering day-long conversation that was held between Douglas P. and Darryl Hell at Mindswerve Studio, New York City, in 2004. Their many life experiences in 1970’s, 1980’s punk rock, made for a fertile ground. Hell’s vision for the project was to give Douglas a chance to fully articulate himself without the boundaries of the traditional interview format. The result is a roller coaster ride through Douglas’ life from childhood into the future. Features a number of unreleased versions of DI6 and rare Crisis material including a “BTM“ image montage with: Satan’s Feast , Golden Wedding of Sorrow , and Come Before Christ And Murder Love . The soundtrack is a dj darryl hell sound collage utilizing Death In June’s Operation Hummingbird & All Pigs Must Die , and Crisis’ “Holocaust Hymes“ as its source. A videomovie by Darryl Hell filmed at the HellLab Underground, NYC, winter 2005 and the Pyramid Club, New York City, spring 2005.
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