He Sobbed For Help With His 2 Hind Legs Were Ripped Off And Neglected In The Trash...

He Sobbed For Help With His 2 Hind Legs Were Ripped Off And Neglected In The Trash... It was a cold and dreary morning when we found Miracle. He was lying in a trash heap. His 2 hind legs were by some person. We were all shocked and horrified by the sight of him. Our hearts sank as we realized the extent of his injuries... Credit to APA - ANJOS DA PROTEÇÃO ANIMAL 💛PAYPAL: stefaniemar100@ 💗PIX Picpay: apa__@ 💙PIX Caixa: 22872332000107 🐶 Ajude aqui 👇🏻 #HowlOfPet, #NeglectedPuppy, #PuppySobbedForHelp
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