[4K] The Shark Band | Kids Rhymes | Let’s Dance Together! | Dance Along | Pinkfong Songs for Kids

★ [NEW CHANNEL] Subscribe 👶🏼 Bebefinn - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs ⭐️ Watch 🦈Baby Shark from 👶🏼 Bebefinn: Watch the 10 billion viewed Baby Shark Dance 🦈 ➡️ I am a baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo! I can play “Xylophone!” You’re watching “The Shark Band“, an educational and interactive Dance Along series prepared to you by Pinkfong! ---— 🎵 Lyrics I am a baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo! I can play “Xylophone!” Yes, I play the xylophone! Ding-dong-ding-dong, xylophone. Ding-dong-dang. Ding-dong-dang. Ding-dong-ding-dong, xylophone. Ding-dong-ding-dong-dang! I am a mommy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo! I can play “Pan flute!” Yes, I play the pan flute! Tu-tu-tu-tu, pan flute. Tu-tu-tu. Tu-tu-tu. Tu-tu-tu-tu, pan flute. Tu-tu-tu-tu-tu! I am a daddy shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo! I can play “Conga!” Yes, I play the conga! Boom-di-boom-di, conga. Boom-di-boom. Boom-di-boom. Boom-di-boom-di, conga. Boom-di-boom-di-boom! I am a grandma shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo! I can play “Maracas!” Yes, I play the maracas! Shake-shake-shake, maracas. Shake-shake-shake. Shake-shake-shake. Shake-shake-shake, maracas. Shake-shake-shake-shake-shake. I am a grandpa shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo! I can play “Ukulele!” Yes, I play the ukulele! Dinga-dinga, ukulele. Dinga-ding-dinga-ding. Dinga-dinga, ukulele. Dinga-dinga-ding! *** 🦈 Pinkfong Baby Shark 💕 Download now ➡️ 🎁 Visit our Official Store: 🎁Buy Pinkfong & Baby Shark Sound Books: ★ Download Pinkfong Baby Shark’s Best Apps NOW!★ - Baby Shark Kids World App.: - Baby Shark Puzzle App. : Follow us on Facebook for new updates and free promotions. ★ Facebook: ★ Instagram: ★ Twitter: ★ Website: ★ Official Merch Store: ★ Many Thanks to all of our 100 Million Subscribers on Youtube Channels!🎈 Please take a moment, and participate in a survey for better contents ✅ We would love to hear anything from you! ➡️ -- Copyright © 2023 The Pinkfong Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #pinkfong #babyshark #rhymes #forkids #stories #songs
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