ULTRAKILL - Various ways to fight Guttertanks

There’s a lot you can do with these guys even if they’re scary at first. They’re tailor-made to get bullied by magnets and Freezeframe (four amped rockets kill if they’re all direct hits), but it’s not too hard to fight them conventionally as long as you respect the crazy reach on their melee attack. Magnets drastically reduce their range, so tagging a nearby enemy (or the Guttertank itself) makes it a lot easier to move around. Unlike rockets fired by the player, their rockets can be attracted to magnets sent after the rocket is instantiated. Unless you whiplash or ride on their rockets, they... do not take any damage from their own shots. They harmlessly slide around until they hit something else. The ’Round Trip’ instakill requires that you return a rocket to the Guttertank that shot it after riding it for any period of time. Magnets make this easier too, but raw steering works as well. If you know it’ll land, jumping off before impact saves you some health. Healing off of them isn’t trivial, but you can parry the mines they leave around and even use them to break Gutterman shields.
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