Cat burglar: New Zealand pet steals bong, bag of white powder and lacy underwear

Cat burglar: New Zealand pet steals bong, bag of white powder and lacy underwear. A New Zealand cat with a reputation as a talented thief has taken his habit to new lows by bringing home drugs and a pair of lacy black knickers, according to his owners. Keith’s crime wave started three years ago, when he began stealing bras from nearby clothes lines and bringing home live eels from the local Heathcote river in Christchurch. But his ambitions have grown. According to owners Ginny and David Rumbold, in recent weeks the five-year-old black cat has brought home a bong and a ziploc bag containing unidentified white powder. He also left a pair of knickers on the back fence. “I suggested to him diamonds and cash would be better,” Ginny Rumbold told news website Stuff, which first reported Keith’s criminal tendencies. “But that hasn’t happened so far.” To stay up to date with latest top stories, make sure to subscribe to this YouTube channel by clicking the button above this video! T
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