Deep & Intense Wooden Earwax Cleaning ASMR 🌲

This is “Deep & Intense Crisp Wooden Earwax Ear Cleaning ASMR“ with no talking video. I’m not sure if it’s good to you because it’s very intense sounds. :) Haha, I couldn’t upload a talking video these days. :3 The next video will be role play. Thanks for watching! Love you! 🍅 PATREON (Supporting) : 🍅 Twitch (Home): 안녕하세요! 오늘은 깊고 강한 바삭바삭한 나무 귀지 귀청소 영상인데 소리가 조금 자극적일 수 있어요. 팅글에 무뎌진 강한소리를 좋아하는 분들께 맞을 것 같아요 :3 언제&#
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