Munich Olympics

(31 Dec 1972) NR71 - Middle East w018352 WTN Various Locations - 1971 Sound: Commentary Crowds gathered in streets of Cairo holding placards of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat Burning tapes and other documents of Egyptian conspirators Anwar Sadat holds press conference Israeli Premier Golda Meir sitting with US President Nixon at the White House NR71 - Munich Olympics / Middle East w018353 WTN Germany, Israel and Lebanon - 1971 GERMANY - Munich (Olympics) Troop carrier enters Olympic village Figures in a window (holding Israeli hostages) Police holding back crowd Helicopter taking terrorists and hostages to Munich Airport Police with dogs Burned out helicopter ISRAEL/LEBANON Israeli troops moving into Lebanon Israeli troops firing CS Machine gunner Homeless people waiting by road Tel Aviv airport (Ext) Debris after bomb Plane to take murdered Puerto Ricans home Coffins being put into plane Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
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