FL STUDIO | Mixer Routing - Getting Started Tutorial
Routing Mixer Tracks - #Mixer_InstRouting
0:00 - Overview
0:07 - The ’Basic’ Template
0:28 - Mixer track selectors and changing destination Mixer Tracks
0:55 - Adding and routing instrument plugins the right way!
1:32 - Instrument Track workflow creates a Channel - Playlist Track - Mixer Track group
2:19 - Mixer internal routing. Routing audio between mixer tracks.
2:44 - Mixer views aid workflow
3:00 - Organizing Mixer Tracks. Renaming, colors and icons.
3:49 - Adding effects (FX) plugins
4:28 - Removing effects plugins
4:35 - Reordering effects plugins
4:58 - Internal routing ’Send’ Tracks and Send controls.
5:24 - Using a send Reverb so more than one Mixer Track can share the same Reverb
6:00 - Master Send disabling
6:30 - Drum Bus Track. A ’Bus’ is any Mixer Track that receives audio from 2 or more other Mixer Tracks with the idea of ’group’ control and effects.
6:40 - Routing multiple Mixer Tracks simultaneously.