Niedersachsenlied [Anthem of Lower Saxony][+English translation]

Written and composed in 1926 by Herman Grote (He got the rights on it in 1934). At that time, “Niedersachsen“ (Lower Saxony) was nothing more than the historical name of a landscape in the Prussian province of Hanover (former Kingdom of Hanover), between the rivers Weser and Elbe. The text of the song refers to the defeat of the Roman legions under Publius Quinctilius Varus by a Cheruskian host under Arminius (Herman the Cheruskian) in the year 9 A.D close to the modern City of Osnabrück and to the revolt of Saxonian tribes under Duke Widukind in 785 A.D against the Franconian ruler (later Emperor) Charlemagne. The sentence “eine feste Burg und Wehr“ (one solid fortress and guard) in the first verse obviously is a reference to Martin Luther’s famous protestant hymn “Ein’ feste Burg ist unser Gott“ (A mighty fortress is our God), see thread After World War II, “Lower
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