Monolith - Game play and voice demo

Wishlist on steam: A short demo video of our upcoming point and click adventure game Monolith including the voice acting of our two protagonists, Tessa and CORE. Tessa is voiced by the awesome theatre, improve and voice-over actress Delaney Gilmour, bringing Tessas adventurous yet emotional personality to life beautifully. With CORE, our little robot companion, we took a chance and voiced him with a text-to-speech tool which turned out quite well in our opinion. The music in the clip and most of the music in the game will be composed by Corey Farr from “Between the rains”, who masterfully captured the mood of the game in various tracks. (A german version, with german voice over, will follow in a few weeks) Monolith is due to be released late in the third quarter 2023. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to get more infor
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