Secretive American Bittern fishing

American Bittern is a very secretive and one of the shyest birds. It is hiding in cattail thickets and gets scared easily. American Bitterns are rarely out in the open. American Bittern is a medium-sized heron American Bittern and juvenile Black-crowned Night Heron have similar color and size. American Bittern and Green Heron have similar body shape: both have long thick neck that can be extended. However, American Bittern is much bigger than Green Heron. 00:53 appeared in open space in the morning 01:36 American Bittern got first fish 02:01 “Puffing“ helps to put fish into right place 03:06 American Bittern got second fish 03:31 “Puffing“ 03:51 Green Heron is fishing nearby. It is not happy because American Bittern is larger than Green Heron 03:53 “Puffing’ 04:12 “Puffing’ 04:33 American Bittern and Green Heron have similar body shapes 05:03 Amer
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