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“Mark I.” The Tank Museum, September 9, 2021.
Mediums Marks I-III (United Kingdom: Profile Publications, 1969).
The Tank Museum. “Tank Chats | Little Willie | the Tank Museum.” YouTube. YouTube, March 22, 2010.
The Tank Museum. “Tank Chats #21 Mark V | The Tank Museum.” YouTube. YouTube, May 27, 2016.
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Dunston, S. Challenger Main Battle Tank 1982-1997 (Osprey Publishing, 2003).
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Ellis, Chris., Chamberlain Peter. British and American Tanks of World War II (United Kingdom: Granite Impex Limited, 1981).
Fletcher, David. British Light Tanks 1927–45: Marks I–VI (United Kingdom: Bloomsbury USA, 2014).
Fletcher, David. British Mark I Tank 1916 (United Kingdom: Bloomsbury USA, 2004).
Fletcher, David. Crusader, Cruiser Tank 1939-45 (Osprey Publishing,1995)
Fletcher, David. Cromwell Cruiser Tank 1942-50 (Osprey Publishing, 2006).
Fletcher, David. Mark V Tank (United Kingdom: Bloomsbury USA, 2011).
Fletcher, David. Matilda Infantry Tank 1938-45 (United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012).
Fletcher, David. Mr. Churchill’s Tank: The British Infantry Tank Mark IV (Schiffer Publishing, 1998).
Fletcher, David. The British Tanks, 1915-19 (United Kingdom: Crowood, 2001).
Lister, David. “Vickers Medium Mk.I & .” Tank Encyclopedia, October 8, 2022.
Robinson, M., Griffin, R. Images of War: Challenger 2: The British Main Battle Tank (Pen and Sword, 2017).
Ware, Pat. British Cruiser Tanks of World War 2 (United Kingdom: Kelsey Publishing, 2014).
Armchair Historian Theme - Zach Heyde
The Miner - Both Are Infinite
Calm Before the Storm - Howard Harper-Barnes
Deyja - Hampus Naeselius