Xorijiy tillar fakulteti Kamola Hujumova. Mavzu: Stylistics as a branch of linguistics.
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Kamola Hujumova, Faculty of Foreign Languages.
Topic: Stylistics as a branch of linguistics.
The term “stylistics“ originated from the Greek “stylos” and Latin “stulys”. The word “stylistics” was firstly attested in Oxford English Dictionary (1882) in the meaning “the science of literary style, the study of stylistic features”. Stylistics began to flourish in the XXth century. with the help of Russion and English scientists who made their contribution to this field like , Skrebnev,Winogradov.
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Джизакский государственный педагогический университет
Камола Худжумова, Факультет иностранных языков.
Тема: Стилистика как раздел языкознания.
Термин «стилистика» произошел от греческого «stylos» и латинского «stulys». Слово «стилистика» впервые было засвидетельствовано в Оксфордском словаре английского языка (1882) в значении «наука о литературном стиле, изучение стилистических особенностей». Стилистика начала процветать в XX веке с помощью русских и английских ученых, внесших свой вклад в эту область, таких как И.Р.Гальперин, Скребнев, Виноградов.
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Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Kamola Hujumova, Faculty of Foreign Languages.
Topic: Stylistics as a branch of linguistics.
The term “stylistics“ originated from the Greek “stylos” and Latin “stulys”. The word “stylistics” was firstly attested in Oxford English Dictionary (1882) in the meaning “the science of literary style, the study of stylistic features”. Stylistics began to flourish in the XXth century. with the help of Russion and English scientists who made their contribution to this field like , Skrebnev,Winogradov.