이번 6월은 어떠셨나요?
일도 좋지만 가끔 주변에 있는 작은 것들에도 여유를 가지고 바라보면서 행복을 느끼셨으면 좋겠어요. 그럼~ 마음 편안한 주말 보내시길 바랄게요!!
How did you like your June?
You are free to love your work, but I hope you will feel happy while relaxing yourself to look around small things near to you.
Then, please enjoy your comfortable weekend!!
#CoverByCHEN #박원 #allofmylife
3 days ago 00:03:20 1
Ori and the Blind Forest - Main Theme (Gingertail Cover)
3 days ago 00:04:12 1
The Flight of Dragons (intro + song) (Полет драконов) cover stereo
2 weeks ago 00:04:24 1
Игорь Николаев / Rammstein - Выпьем за любовь (Cover by ROCK PRIVET)
3 weeks ago 00:02:14 3
Two Steps From Hell - Heart of Courage Acoustic Tabs | Guitar Pro 8
4 weeks ago 00:06:29 1
SATYRICON - Phoenix (Piano cover by Katarina Gubanova and Voice cover by Andrei Formalin )