Max Wall (1941)

No titles. Commentator introduces “that popular comedian of broadcasting and variety fame, Max Wall“. Max Wall (looking very young) enters set dressed to look like a living room or drawing room, prancing about and ’singing’ how he has a smile to take him on his way. He realises the (off screen) orchestra have stopped playing and, saying he “won’t bother“ turns to walk off. Voices call him back. He begins his routine by making a pun on his surname ’Wall’. He then does impersonations of Edmund Everett Horton and a cocker spaniel (by putting on a hat with earflaps undone and making his eyelids droop and his tongue loll out - it looks very funny!). He next tells a convoluted story about a bee that is swallowed by a donkey. Max says “The bee went to sleep for two hours and when he woke up, the donkey had gone“! He then sings a song in a North Country accent. It concerns ’Arnold’ who is a bit of a comic and tells jokes and stories to cheer people up. Max pulls faces as he sings. There is a verse
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