fighter and tutor kissing for 8 minutes gay (+1x08)

❗ I am not able to add subtitles at the moment but there is not much speaking *glares at FTTT* going on so it should be fine. I’m back with a compilation because you guys enjoyed my saifah&zon compilation and because one of you suggested I do one for fighter&tutor. I hope this time I didn’t forget any scenes but I could have, so please tell me in the comments if I did. I initially wanted to wait until ep 9 but we need something to get us through the week and I figured I could always redo this after the series ends and add more scenes. with all the “zaintsee have no chemistry“ I’ve seen around (people are really blind nowadays, aren’t they?) I would beg to differ and this is my argument. . I added the hand kissing and the cheek kissing scenes in here just because I wanted to and because it shows another side of fighter and tutor’s relationship: besides having amazing chemistry and sexual tension they can be so fucking cute.😭 I DON’T SUPPORT REUPLO
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