Move In Ready 3D Printed House in Germany

3D Printed by PERI with a COBOD printer, designed by Mense Korte. Construction technology is the future, it is the only industry that hasn’t become completely unrecognizable from the pre tech past. The partners involved in the construction of this building have pushed the industry forward going where no one has gone before. Innovation is part of the human condition, as a species we need people to tread into unknown territory and experiment with things that had only before been hypothesized. First Video Tour with Head Architect Vladimir Korte It’s funny how the first video I did of this house is one of my most viewed videos, then I went to Germany in person to film a tour through the house with the head architect of the project from Mense Korte and that video got 1/10th the views so now we’re back to the voiceover for an update on the finished product. Now that it’s come together maybe you will agree that as of now this
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