This is a fan-made opening for the manga “Codename: Sailor V“ by Takeuchi Naoko. It is a prequel to “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon“ that tells the story of Minako Aino’s adventures as Sailor V before she meets the rest of the guardians. Currently, “Codename: Sailor V“ does not have an anime adaptation. I believe it was intended to have one in the 1990s, but it was canceled and later replaced with “Sailor Moon“ as we know it. CREDITS “Route Venus” by Fukami Rica as Sailor Venus “Code Name wa Sailor V!” by Takeuchi Naoko Art and video by ephiepen TOOLS USED: Clip Studio Paint PRO, DaVinci Resolve 17 English translation sourced from and VIZ Media Subtitles adapted by ephiepen This video was inspired by a fan-made Sailor V opening. I’m unsure who created the original edit, but I will link to an upload on YouTube so you can enjoy it, too. NOTES: At long last, I can finally stop drawing Sailor V! lol For those unaware, I am currently on a journey to improve my animation skills. I don’t have a particular end goal, it’s just something I wanted to try. I don’t know that I’m improving a lot, but I can tell my courage is increasing. I tried lip-syncing for the very first time! I think it came out alright. I was scared to do it as I had no knowledge of how it all worked, but with the power of a mirror and a lip flap guide, I did it. Run cycles still scare me. I was going to avoid one, but the lyrics said “Let’s run away!” so I felt obligated… I based the run cycle off of the first opening of Mawaru Penguindrum where Ringo runs. Next time I’d like to source references of frames online and see what I can come up with that way, just like I did with the lip sync. Some other animations I referenced were Maomao’s hair flip in the first Apothecary Diaries opening and Minako’s transformation in Sailor Moon Crystal! If you’re ever curious what kind of references and inspirations I take for these videos, I actually compile them along with my video drafts in a playlist for each video. Here’s the one for this video: I didn’t think this project would be finished when I started it in January, but here we are. Part of that is thanks to the support of the people closest to me. Thank you to those who encouraged me while I worked, especially to my best friend who would sit behind me and chat with me while I animated for hours and hours. I will now take some time off to play games and stop thinking =w= Don’t worry, even when I’m not around, I’m always scheming. #sailormoon #sailorvenus
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