People In Camera (1947)

Full title reads: “People In Camera“. United States of America (USA). Story on Republican party leaders taking up office, who will dominate American affairs. VS of Republican politicians on the policy committee. MS of Senator Robert Taft. with him are Senators Hawkes and Brookes. Shots of Taft and others around table. CU Senator Arthur Vandenburgh whispers to Taft. also featured are Joe Martin, Republican Party Chairman, John Brickler and Senator Milliken. Army officers see Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery off at Bassingbourne aerodrome. CU the Union Jack flying. CU the Hammer and sickle flag flying. MS Monty dressed in a white lambs wool coat, given to him by the Swiss, walks to his plane. CU Monty, full face, head and shoulders in beret and fur coat. CU Monty and Colonel Gorskhov, of the Russian army. MS Monty and Gorskhov shaking hands with RAF (Royal Air Force) men on the airfield. MS Monty gets into the plane. LS British and Russian officers watch the plane taxi The Powderhall Sport
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