Top Fifteen Female Ballet Dancers in 2020 [by SuperBalletgirl101]

00:05 JEWELS - Maia Makhateli - clean and delicate 01:23 COPPELIA - Anastasia Stashkevich 02:51 SYLVIA - Nikisha Fogo - very lively & nimble 04:41 DIVERTIMENTO - Tiler Peck - precise energy 05:39 RAYMONDA - Olesya Novikova - bright lyricism 06:57 SLEEPING BEAUTY - Sarah Lamb - clean elegance 08:53 ESMERALDA - Ekaterina Krysanova - fluidity 10:35 RAYMONDA - Renata Shakirova - delicate brightness 11:29 RUSSKAYA - Anastasia Kolegova - clean, controlled 13:07 GOLDEN AGE - Nina Kaptsova - delicate & nimble 14:28 SLEEPING BEAUTY - Myriam Ould Brayan - dainty, soft 15:20 DON QUIXOTE - Natalia Osipova - powerful, energetic, spontaneous 16:05 PAQUITA - Evgenia Obsraztsova - bright fluidity 17:08 SWAN LAKE - Marialena Nuñez - clean & controlled 19:27 GISELLE - Alina Cojocaru - bright, long lines Top Fifteen Female Ballet Dancers As the last one was sadly removed, I thought it was a good idea to update my list to reflect the top dancers in 2020. As ever, these are MY opinions and I ONLY consider dancers currently active. I own none of the content shown herein. / SuperBalletgirl101 37,3 тыс. подписчиков 2 735 706 просмотров c 12-05-2020 по 20-05-2024 О канале There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them. -Vicki Baum I feel that ballet is the ultimate art form. It just encompasses so many types of beauty. My favorite dancers are Alina Cojocaru, Natalia Osipova, Evgenia Obraztsova, Marianela Nunez, Nina Kaptsova, Maria Kotchetkova, Olesia Novikova, Ivan Vasiliev, Steven Mcrae, and David Hallberg. Any questions or comments? Please message me!
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