Владимир Высоцкий - Песнь о вещей Кассандре

Włodzimierz Wysocki - Pieśń o Kasandrze (1967) Vladimir Vysotsky - About clairvoyant Cassandra Besieged by Greeks, Troy many months did not surrender, And it remained for long an undefeated town... But had the Trojans only listened to Cassandra - Troy would never have collapsed and fallen down! Non-stop the maid was yelling, mad and raucous: “I plainly see that Troy in dust and ruins lies!“ But people always burn, like locusts, those who forecast And bear witness which disturbs complacent lives! When darkness came and from the horse Death fluttered out, And Troy was captured by this ruthless, deadly master, Somebody cried among the bleeding, battered crowd: “To kill that witch - she has invited this disaster!“ Non-stop the maid was yelling, mad and raucous: “I plainly see that Troy in dust and ruins lies!“ But people always burn, like locusts, those who forecast And bear witness which disturbs complacent lives! That night of massacre, of turmoil and disorder, When all the prophecies came true and blood was chilling, The mob was ready to commit another murder, Mobs never think too long before they get to killing! Non-stop the maid was yelling, mad and raucous: “I plainly see that Troy in dust and ruins lies!“ But people always burn, like locusts, those who forecast And bear witness which disturbs complacent lives! Cassandra’s end was not that tragic - you will sneer, Some hungry greedy Greek discovered her abode, And started using her at once not as a seer, But as a woman in a very common mode! Non-stop the maid was yelling, mad and raucous: “I plainly see that Troy in dust and ruins lies!“ But people always burn, like locusts, those who forecast And bear witness which disturbs complacent lives! _________________________________ © George Tokarev. Translation, 2001 Edited by Robert Titterton
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