DIY fabric flower without tools. Tutorial “Orchid“, Part 2 Corrugation of petals and assembly
Master class evening brouch flower “Orchid“ from fabric without tools.
We make a flower for a solemn day, a wedding, a party “Orchid“ with the flower artist of the Moscow Fashion House Nadezhda Chereda.
Part 2: Petal pleating and assembly - How to add volume to flower petals without tools and assemble the flower.
For this millinery fabric flower, you will need brocade and organza. Also, such a flower can be made from almost any fabric from which your outfit is sewn.
For a list of materials for a fabric flower, patterns of petals and the beginning of the master class, see the first part of the master class
Content and timing of the video lesson:
0:00 Here we are making such a beautiful flower. This is the second part of the master class: we add volume to the flower petals without the use of tools and assemble a beautiful evening composition with a flower from Orchid fabric.
0:08 How to add volume to fabric flower petals witho