Ancient Lyre - Kleopas - Hymn to muse Kalliope and Apollo

Thank you for supporting me : 🔴 For more videos like this, subscribe to my channel: Thanasis Kleopas : Ancient Greek lyre of Apollo, voice The lyrics are from an ancient Greek hymn dedicated to muse Kalliope and Apollo. The video was filmed at Stageira the birth place of Aristotle. The music is composed by Thanasis Kleopas. -The Lyrics in Greek Ἄειδε μοῦσά μου φίλη, μολπῆς δ’ ἐμῆς κατάρχου αὔρη δὲ σῶν ἀπ’ ἀλσέων, ἐμὰς φρενάς δονείτω. Καλλιό
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