Black Swan - A Cautionary Tale about Perfectionism

Get a full month of MUBI FOR FREE: (With the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA Programme of the European Union) Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan is a cautionary tale about toxic perfectionism. In the final moments of the film, Natalie Portman’s Nina thinks she’s destroying her rival ballerina, Mila Kunis’ Lily, but in reality, she’s destroying herself. On stage, we see her at last fully become the black swan, now free from the controlling repression of the “white swan” within herself. So, what are we to make of this ending? When we look at this from Nina’s point of view, it almost feels like a happy ending. But the truth of this ending is tragic: her perfectionism literally destroyed her, and most would agree that her perfect performance cost way too high a price. Black Swan’s ending teaches us to break free from perfection and embrace creative freedom. Support The Take: Shop our Limited Edition Merch: Support our channel and look great doing it with Ta
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