This is a Dutch television commercial of the VW Vento (VW Jetta) from 1993. The text translates:
“De oprichter van de fabriek“ - the founder of the factory (who apparently drove a VW 412 “Ponton“)
“Z’n opvolger“ - his successor
“De derde Directeur van de Fabriek“ - the third CEO
“De President-Directeur van de Fabriek“ - the President CEO
“De President-Directeur-Generaal van de Fabriek“ - the General President CEO
“De Raad van Commisarissen van de Fabriek“ - the Board
“De Crisismanager van de Fabriek“
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7 months ago 00:00:42 1
Pretty Young Lady With her Lamborgini Urus#billionaire #monaco #lamborghini #automobile