EVENT HORIZON - Proxima Centauri [Official]

PROXIMA CENTAURI: Proxima Centauri is the closest star to our own solar system. At a distance of 4.2 lightyears, the red dwarf also harbours the closest exoplanets discovered so far. Due to its relative proximity in space, Proxima Centauri is very likely to be one of the first destinations for space exploration beyond our own star system. This track was inspired by the imagination of a sunset on a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, its warm red light adding to the exotic otherworldly scenery of a faraway world, which we might visit one day. The video reflects the duality of a tidally locked planets condition: One side always in cold and dark, one always in red light and heat. Géza Frank: Whistles / Composition Jean Damei: Guitar / Composition Jake Birch: Electronic Music Programming / Sound Design / Composition Irish Dance: Cathal Keaney Peter Clyne: Camera / Cut Niall Flynn: Lighting
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