The Frankie Sixes - Tepuk Amai-Amai (Official Lindy Hop Music Video)

To celebrate the release of the first single off our debut self-titled, original Malaysian swing jazz EP, we asked a few lindy hop friends to video themselves dancing to it. What we got back was 105 dancers from 12 countries, showing us their love for music and dance. We started out playing for the lindy community and we’re so happy they could be a part of this. Thank you each and everyone one of you! Listen to Tepuk Amai-Amai on Spotify: #internationaljazzday Follow Us Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Edited byAndrew Lin Produced by Reza Salleh Special thanks to the following dancers: FINLAND [Black Pepper Swing] Karri, Kay, Tiiti, Ben, Erja, Hannu, Heli, Vicent, Sara, Rachel (LindyKL) HONG KONG [Rhythm Studio] Thomas Latter, Aurore Alauze [Swing Pocket] Alfie Ng, Anna Chow, Arnold Lai, Ceci Chung, Claris Yip, Edith Lu, Kart Park, Michael Wu, Sharman Ko, Sui Fong, Sydney Li, Ting Lai, Winnie Wong INDONESIA [Indoswing Jakarta] Cecillia Cati, Ira Petranto JAPAN [Osaka Swing] Shin, Mariko, Nakajo, Chika, Tommi, Angie, Mitsuaki, Marilyn, Eiji, Ohagi, Takeshi, Kaori, Katolin, Hiroko [Five Bob Cuts] Akane Kawachi, Kaori Nakano, Aoi Nishiyama, Koharu Naka, Nanami Niino KOREA Nalla, Jessica, Chaewon Park (Ella), Seonghwan Jeong (Hwany) MALAYSIA Pei Ru, Jeng Foong, Sean Yap, Abby Yao [KL Swing] Jenn, Iylia [Tipsy Minions] Joshua, Jaja, Max, Nat, Jihan, Lee, Andie, Alexy NEW ZEALAND [The Antwerp Lindy Hoppers (Belgium)] Leen, Jasper SINGAPORE Nic, Amos, Jingyi, Pierre, Baby Louis, Marsha, Elisha, Andrew Lin, Carolyn Cheong [] Sing, Chong Koi Jun, Pauline, Xinhui [B Swing Lindy] Brian, Kevin, Marz, Debs TAIWAN Tommy Lin, Noel Lin, Jane THAILAND Ik & Woran, Benjarat Vejpongsa, Kanravee Kittayarak, Tune Kantharoup, Ratthaphum Chantarasopa, Mikolaj Bogusz [Jelly Roll Dance Club] Su, Pat, Sompop, 0 [Swing Dux Dix] Chotima (Chobi) Kruachao, Anika (Aiai) Thavarojana, Jitsommanas (Cin) Muninnopphamas, Pimnicha (Nina) Paisithmongkol, Santhila (Orm) Chanoknamchai, Ratimas (Ploycal) Jirapongsananuruk UK Eva Hsin-yu Chen, Jason Foster VIETNAM TrangK, Bean THE FRANKIE SIXES: Reza Salleh: vocals Ee Jeng: piano KJ: drums Che Wan: double bass Eddy Lim: saxophone Isaac Marvin: trumpet Composer: Reza Salleh, Hin Ee Jeng Lyrics: Reza Salleh All arrangements: Hin Ee Jeng Vocal Production: Melina William Recorded, engineered, mixed by Rozhan Razman at RMP Productions Performed by The Frankie Sixes Lyrics: Tepuk amai-amai, belalang kupu-kupu, tepuk adik pandai, upah lah minum susu Susu lemak manis santan kelapa muda, adik jangan nangis abang nak buat kerja (Clap all together, grasshopper butterfly, clap younger sibling, I’ll pay you with milk, creamy fat sweet milk of a young coconut, younger sibling don’t cry, older brother needs to do work) Sejak zaman kiki lala, selalu bersuara Nyanyi lagu zaman sekolah sampai sakit telinga Cita-cita juruterbang, arkitek dan manager Tengok-tengok belajar dan kerja tak sama (Since kiki lala days we’re always using our voice (kiki lala=90s children’s clothing brand) Singing schooltime songs until our ears hurt We had ambitions to be a pilot, architect and manager, But in the end our job and what we studied isn’t the same) Memori zaman kiki lala terus ku teringat Tora Dindang A-a-a-pollo, Van Houten cokelat Masa petang makan goreng pisang Maghrib balik cepat Kalau lambat masok nanti kena sebat (The memory of kiki lala days, I remember Tora, Dindang, Apollo, and Van Houten chocolate (90s candy) In the evening we ate banana fritters and went back home in the evening (Maghrib is a Muslim evening prayer time) If we were late coming home we’d get caned) CHORUS Wahai zaman kiki lala, zaman ku sekolah Kaler biru sekolah rendah, hijau ‘tuk menengah Pagi-pagi tiru matematik daripada jiran sebelah Alamak jiran absent, confirm kena marah (Oh kiki lala days, the days of school Blue for primary school and green for high school (the colour of boys’ school pants) In the morning copy my neighbours math homework Oh no my neighbour is absent it’s confirmed I’m gonna be scolded) Bila terkenang zaman muda kiki lala terus ku terimbas Balik PJ tingkatan dua kelas Dua Emas Kuat sangat rasa nostalgia sampai otak jadi kebas Itulah kisah hidup si remaja, hingga umur tujuh belas (When I remember kiki lala days I flashback Going back to PJ during Form 2, class 2 Gold (PJ=suburb Petaling Jaya, Form 2 is 14 years old in high school, the name of my class was 2 Gold) So strong is this nostalgic feeling till my head has become numb That’s the story of a teenager till the age of 17) CHORUS RMP jangan nangis abang nak buat kerja The Frankie Sixes jangan nangis abang nak buat kerja (RMP don’t cry, older brother needs to do work (RMP is the name of the studio we recorded in) The Frankie Sixes don’t cry, older brother needs to do work)
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