ZBRUSH Tutorial - 25 Alpha Brush Pack Demonstration

FULL ZBRUSH Tutorial - Using my Custom made Reptile Scale Alphas inside of ZBrush to base detail a Creature Foot. ---------------------------- ☕ Support me further by donating a Coffee ☕ 👍 ---------------------------- 🎨 - You can buy the Dino/Creature foot base mesh Ztool and follow along, follow the link for more info: 🎨 - You can buy the 25 Scale Alpha Pack on my Artstation follow the link for more info: 🚨 Use COUPON CODE: MLWALPHA and get 20% off, offer ends 23 June 🚨 ----------------------------- 🎵 - Music from Adobe Stock website: ----------------------------- Time stamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:46 - ZBrush Alphas 31:22 - ZBrush Timelapse Finishing Details 32:34 - ZBrush Final Turntable ------------------------------ Checkout my Instagram for more artwork 🔔 IG: 🔔 ArtStation: 🔔 Lin
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