Groundbreaking musical project by Liraz which combines modern sounds and beats with the ethnic flavour from her persian roots. This video is the first live session from her debut single - Nozi Nozi . Give it up for LIRAZ !
Starring - Liraz Charhi
Music producer & keyboard - Rejoicer
Bass - Gilad Abro
Drums - Roy Chen
Oud - Gershon Waiserfirer
Violin - Aviva Aliev
Percussion - Maayan Doari
Sound engineer - Asaf Shay
Studio - Anova
Styling - Aviv Kfir
Shot by - Yossi Shalev & Tom Avni
Editing - Tom Avni
Lyrics & Music by Ali Nazari
Executive producer - Dundee Maghen
Management - MEM artists //
For Booking - Dan Basman
0528334315 // danbasman@
PR - Juvel Hering