The surrender of a heavy Panzerjaeger unit to US troops at Iserlohn April 1945

Mute US Signal Corps footage showing the formal surrender of remnants of the schwerer-Panzer-Abteilung-512 to US troops at the Schillerplatz at Iserlohn on 16 April 1945. Rare shots of Jagdtiger heavy tank hunters armed with the PAK 44 L/55 cannon and a Panther armoured recovery vehicle or Bergepanther on the move. The panzerjaeger officer seen addressing his men at the end of this footage is Hauptmann (Captain) Albert Ernst, who had commanded Kompanie 1 of schwerer-Panzer-Abteilung-512 until taking charge of surviving remnants of the battalion just days before its surrender. The American officers seen taking the formal surrender belong to 99th US Infanty Division’s 394th Infantry Regiment.
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