💫Chapter VIII of “The Great Secret“ by Maurice Maeterlinck discusses the topic of the Cabala. The Cabala is a complex and enigmatic system of mystical and esoteric teachings, often associated with Jewish mysticism, that delves into the nature of God, creation, and the universe. This chapter provides insights into the historical development, concepts, and interpretations of the Cabala.
The two branches of the Cabala: the theoretical Cabala and the practical Cabala. The former is the focus of this discussion, while the latter is described as degenerating into black magic and witchcraft, not worthy of serious examination.
🌟The study of the Cabala, like other mystical traditions such as Vedism and Mazdeism, is portrayed as a recent endeavor, gaining momentum with the publication of key works in the 19th and 20th centuries. Mention is made of notable scholars and their contributions to understanding the Cabala, including Franck, Joel, Jellinck, and S. Karppe.