Appears as Jewish propagandaSpecifics of battles on the islands and in the Dnieper floodplain

Appears as Jewish propagandaSpecifics of battles on the islands and in the Dnieper floodplain From a real participant: “Appetite comes with eating, and skill grows with experience. The specificity of battles on the islands and in the Dnieper floodplain is dense vegetation, dense bushes even in winter. At the same time, it is impossible to dig a deep trench. Therefore, the Marine Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine sets up observation posts in the form of beds camouflaged in the bushes. When our observers manage to identify them with the help of thermal imagers, motorized infantry of the 3rd battalion, 28 so far, 70 divisions strike with the help of armored personnel carriers, using speed and maneuverability, and shooting from closed firing positions, so as not to come under enemy artillery fire from the other side. The enemy simply does not have time to identify and aim at such a fast, maneuverable target. We work at night to adjust our observers. The ones with a strong word, Источник: Lord Of War
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