Bagatela de Una Noche de Verano. Mov I, Per Bars i Tavernes

The score and its parts ara available for free download in the link below: Bagatela de Una Noche de Verano was wrote in a Neo Galant style and is my tribute to Vivaldi. The work describes one summer fest night. The first movement describes the happiness of drinking and meeting with friends. The second movement describes a night walk trougth the parks and the forest, your soul and your veins feel the warmth of two or three cups of wine, the sadows and the smells dance in front of you and your eyes take you to an oniric and introspective world. The third movement describes the final of the night walk, when the sun rises splendorous and the breeze brings you to a new day plenty of life and ligth. This work is perfect for combining it in a concert with RV93 or RV85 by A. Vivaldi.
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