EPILEPSY WARNING! Perish Song- A malevolent melody that causes both the user and the opponent to faint in three turns. Lyrics and vocals by: Trickywi. Produced by: YZYX
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More Tricky Songs?
“Perish Song“ Based off of the Pokemon move mixed with the lore of my Egyptian Vtuber character.
A Ka Dua No Ra (Ancient Egyptian) (O High One! No Light/Sun)
[ VERSE 1 ]
Let me tell you of a chant from an old tomb
It’s a fable of a song of gloom
I can tell you how it goes, do you wanna see a ghost? Let&
5 months ago 00:29:49 1
Челлендж с трекером глаз с Камилой и Трики | Филиан на русском