The 100 Best Commodore 64 Games - Reviewed In Zzap!64
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Hey whatsup guys OSG here with another epic 100 games list and this time it’s the 100 Commodore 64 games that were rated the best by Zzap!64
Obviously Zzap never reviewed every C64 game but they did a hell of a lot of them and this video will show you the 100 games that scored highest from Sizzlers to Gold medal games.
There were a lot of same percentage scores to be honest so for that reason I’ve cross matched them against scores from Lemon64 to get a better order than alphabetically in each percentage bracket.
I have to say that this list really surprised me as to how some games were higher than games that are absolute classics…. So don’t shoot the messenger I’m only reporting on the scores that were in the magazine and not my personal opinion.
As with my other 100 games videos I won’t be voice overing them as it would take just to dam long.
Anyway sit back grab a coffee and watch the 100 best Commodore 64 games as reviewed by Zzap!64
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